Nicki’s Diapers Training Pants Review

Potty training: bringing excitement, fear, joy, frustration, and some unexpected messes to families of toddlers near you.  Jeremiah’s potty training happened sooner than I expected.  Four months after turning two, he just gradually starting going on the potty more and more frequently until he would go entire days with dry diapers.  Not quite your typical toddler potty training experience, but I’m ok with that!  I’m not going to share methods or tricks I used (because I don’t really have any), but I do want to share something that really helped my Type A personality deal with the potential messes of potty training and kept it stress free for me!

Today, I want to share the new Nicki’s Diapers Training Pants with you.  These were SO helpful while Jeremiah was potty training!  We never used Pull-Ups with Jeremiah, because these were so much nicer and more affordable.




  • Stretchy sides that make it easy to pull them up and down.
  • Waterproof outside layer to catch any leaks.
  • Cotton-lined interior that can catch an accident and feels wet.



Jeremiah is just at 30 lbs, and fits in the large training pants well.  I haven’t tried the other corresponding sizes, but from my experience, they are true to size!



These diapers were lifesavers for running errands, leaving Jeremiah with a sitter, or any time I didn’t want to have to clean up an accident!  They can hold one accident without leaking, so I didn’t have to worry about dashing to the restroom while we were out grocery shopping.

The trainers are very easy to pull up and down.  Jeremiah still believes they are underwear (he wears them at night for the occasional accident), and is happy to wear them.  I got the tree friends pattern for him, and he LOVES it!  We call it his “Ice Age” underwear because it has squirrels and acorns on it. 🙂

Want to give them a try?  Check them out here.

What do you love about the Nicki’s Diapers Training Pants?

 All opinions expressed are 100% my own and not influenced by the company.  This post may contain affiliate links.



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